Have you ever tried Scottish country dancing?  It’s a vibrant social dance form featuring interplay between partners, accompanied by lively music.  I fell in love with it several years ago here in Africa, at a party hosted by an expatriate entrepreneur couple, Andrew and Claire.

Africans also dance exuberantly, but their traditional style is markedly different.  When there are multiple dancers, they usually either dance independently of each other or all make the same movements at the same time.  But I wagered that my African friends could both learn and like intricate Scottish dances.  So I invited Andrew and Claire to teach Scottish dancing to our group of fathers and daughters last Saturday afternoon.

The event was a resounding success!  Over forty came out to the preschool’s spacious pavilion to try the novel sport.  With clear explanations, our instructors patiently demonstrated the steps for each dance.  Then they coached the enthusiastic dads and girls as they put them into practice.  I served as disc jockey for the music from Andrew’s computer resounding through Boniface’s speaker.  And I rejoiced to witness the fun physical interactions of fathers and daughters in a culture that discourages affection between them.

After mastering three dances in an hour and a half, our happily exhausted group heartily thanked Andrew and Claire and sat down to rest.  That’s when I brought out the lovely cake Stephanie had prepared at my request for one father and one daughter whose birthday it was.  The surprised pair laughed while attempting to blow out the trick candle until it finally burned out.  Then I served the cake onto napkins held in eagerly outstretched hands.

When all had enjoyed the dessert, I rose to request the men’s help in organizing our last father-daughter activity of the year:  a trip to the beach during the summer vacation in December.  Five dads volunteered for the organizing committee and promised to send out updates of their plans.  With final expressions of gratitude and a closing prayer, the group dispersed.  Pray for a successful beach outing and continued healthy bonding within these families.  May God be glorified for what He is doing in their lives!

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