Ismaela has been in our congregation here in Africa practically since she was born. As a young teen, she liked Calton, who was attracted to her too. But later another church member, Leo, won her heart, and they were married near the time of my first visit in 2014.
Tragically, only a few months after the birth of their second son, Leo suddenly passed away from a brain aneurysm. The following years were difficult as Ismaela processed her grief and bravely embraced the challenge of single parenting. Meanwhile, Calton’s interest in Ismaela was rekindled, but he thought step-parenting would be too difficult.
Happily for everyone involved, Calton overcame his hesitations and began courting Ismaela at the end of last year. To his relief, her sons Nathan and Abner, ages 8 and 9, quickly took a shine to him. Other relatives also consented at the culturally prescribed family meetings, and their wedding was scheduled for today.
And what a beautiful ceremony it was! Outdoors beside my director’s home, the service followed a traditional Western format, with music provided by a vocal quintet. The dinner reception included the usual presentation of gifts, cake-cutting, speeches, and dancing. Please rejoice with us in this marital union, and pray for special grace as the new blended family embarks on their lifelong journey together.