Thanks to generous American donors, a local crew is drilling a much-needed well at our preschool in Africa. Clean water for drinking, cooking, and washing will be […]
As a Pastor, and a sometimes Hebrew Bible Professor, I occasionally get questions about the Biblical principle of tithing. What is it? Are Christians required to […]
“How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through Your precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way.” […]
Rosário is an energetic young man in our church with a contagious sense of humor and an unquenchable thirst to serve others. He’s been studying sociology […]
On Tuesday, our family gave our annual party for our co-workers within our organization. As usual, I used our timesheet information to generate a list of […]
Yesterday I gave my second annual Classical harp recital in our front yard. It was perhaps only the second Classical harp recital ever given in this […]
On Saturday, 125 youth from various local churches gathered at our organization’s headquarters for a celebration organized by Calton to commemorate 505 years since the publication of Luther’s […]