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Roof Repairs

When you live in Africa in a mud hut with a thatch roof, you’re not surprised when the annual winds blow away patches of it, necessitating […]

Two Parties in One Week

A group of foreign women in our town meets weekly for Bible study and monthly for tea. My schedule doesn’t permit my participation in the Bible […]

Worldly Kingdoms and the Silent God

Introduction With the 2020 election closing in, tensions have been brought into sharp focus. If the first presidential debate was anything to go by, it would […]


While my primary goal is to share with those around me the good news of Christ’s salvation from our sins, I also seek opportunities to show […]

Outdoor Livestream Service on the Deck!

Dear Church Family, We are going to try something new this week, that I think may be very helpful for those of you uncomfortable with worshipping […]

Book Room Re-Opens

After a six-month pandemic-related closure, I am delighted that our book room is once again functioning normally. It has moved to a different room of our […]

Reopening Our Nursery

Dear Church Family, I am excited to tell you that we will be reopening our nursery for children aged 4 and under on Sunday, Oct. 25. […]


Letícia is a young woman who has participated in our church for years and has just been baptized. She recently asked me to disciple her, and […]

Prophetic Blessing – Gleanings from Ruth 4

As we have been working through the book of Ruth, we have continually returned to the concept of how God provides for his people through his […]

Incredulity Regarding Celibacy

What would you do with a church full of women shouting at you that celibacy is categorically impossible? Their culture additionally teaches them that the theoretical […]
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