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A Weekend of Memories

On Saturday, I took a day trip with Bonifácio and Stephanie to her hometown several hours away.  It was the longest journey we’ve made so far […]

Family Scripture Memory

Our family recently began a Scripture memory project. The parents memorize together, the young adults memorize together, and I help the children memorize, all in the […]

Galatians: No Other Gospel

Tomorrow, Sunday June 28th, we are beginning a new sermon series on Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. This is an amazing letter wherein the Apostle elaborates […]

Short-Lived Problems

On Monday morning, my car wouldn’t start, so our mechanic came and jumped it so I could get to work. That day, he searched unsuccessfully for […]

EPC Youth River Float Trip

Good Afternoon EPC! I wanted to let you all know about an upcoming youth event that’s just around the corner. Here are the details: EPC Youth […]

Literature Distribution to Pastors

This month’s quarterly literature distribution to pastors on an internationally-sponsored reading program has been trickier than normal. First, our usual meetings to distribute books and collect […]

Moving Books

For weeks, I prayed for God to provide an alternate location for the thousands of books we had stored in our hospital, before the arrival of […]

Gathered Worship for At Risk Folks

Dear Church Family, It was a great joy to gather together in corporate worship again last Sunday. Unfortunately, it was not the same for all of […]

Moving Forward

Some of you are aware that a few years ago I had the privilege to contribute a chapter for a book on Racial Reconciliation in our […]

Pharmacy Scavenger Hunt

One of my tasks last week was to visit all the pharmacies in town in order to check the availability and pricing of drugs that could […]
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