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Christmas in Africa

The week of Christmas was different for me here in Africa than it would have been if I had been in the US, but it was […]

Music Seminar

This past week I taught an intensive music seminar to the six top students from the general music training that I offered for our church’s members […]

Graduation of Children’s Ministry Workers

During my first year in Africa, I befriended my neighbor Afonso (at right in the photo) and began helping him prepare for the life of ministry […]

In-Depth Leviticus

Below is the audio for the School of Discipleship class taught by Rev. Greg Ward on December 8, 2019.

Nélzia and Carlos’s Wedding

It was in February 2018, shortly after arriving in Africa, that I met Nélzia, a young architect in our church. On that first evening that we […]

Training for Children’s Workers

My administrative work supports even events in which I’m not directly involved. For example, this past week, four Brazilian ladies used our facilities to train about […]

Bonifácio’s Birthday

Wednesday was Bonifácio’s birthday, and his wife Estefânia knew just how to make it special. Conveniently, Bonifácio had both forgotten that it was his birthday and […]

Exhibiting Books at Events

As the manager of our organization’s library/bookshop, I have begun accepting invitations to exhibit our books at events in town. The first was a fundraising concert […]

Methods of Evangelism IV

Below is the audio of the School of Discipleship class taught by Rev. Greg Ward on November 10, 2019.

Preschool Graduation

This Saturday was an exciting day:  the preschool graduation!  Fifteen five-year-olds who have studied hard since February wore smart caps and gowns as they sang, danced, […]
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