Our large annual pastor’s conference will be held next week, July 16-19. By God’s grace, the many preparatory tasks on my to-do list are proceeding well. […]
Today I attended a graduation ceremony for a local pastor who received his doctorate in theology from an overseas-based institution. My companion and I listened with […]
The highlight of my week was hosting many new friends for a party on Wednesday. We sang, conversed, and laughed together as we became better acquainted […]
Process We are officially accepting nominations for Elder, Deacon, and Deaconess for 2019 through Sunday July 14. Nominations may be submitted by any member in good […]
Below is the audio recording, presentation slides, and resources from the class on church polity, taught by Rev. Greg Ward on May 26, 2019. Presentation […]
On Thursday, I taught a ladies’ meeting at a nearby church. Afterwards, its pastor, who leads a local network of nine affiliated churches, asked me to […]