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Regular Worship Abroad

Every Sunday morning, my students and I take a short walk to a small church nearby.  The fourteen of us form about half of the small […]

Royal Psalms

The Royal Psalms Examples: Psalm 2, 20, 21, 45, 47, 72, 93, 97, 99, 101, 110, 132 Features: Royal Psalms are noteworthy for their focus on […]

Daily Routine

My typical day begins around 6:00 am, when I slip out of bed and get dressed in the dark, so as not to disturb my sleeping […]

Imprecatory Psalms

There is a small group or the Lament Psalms which we will not be covering in our sermon series. This group is known as the Imprecatory Psalms. As […]

English Class Happenings

Last weekend, I rode a bus for several hours, through beautiful mountains, to visit an American family in another city.  They welcomed me into their home, […]

At the Mercy of the Court

A sermon on Psalm 51 preached by Rev. Greg Ward on March 5, 2017.  

Psalm Genre: Lament

Psalms of Lament As we begin the season of Lent, we continue our Psalm series by focusing out attention on the Psalms of Lament. This Sunday […]

Weekend Outings

So far, God has marvelously sustained me through seven weeks of teaching seven hours a day, five days a week.  My stomach and my throat still […]

Outdoor Market

I am very grateful to everyone who is praying for me.  I feel that the Lord is answering your prayers, as everything is going extremely well.  […]

Music Classes

Each weekday evening, music classes provide an enjoyable change of pace from our day of English training.  We have weekly classes in rhythm, singing, piano, and […]
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