Blessings are meant to share. After God marvelously provided for me both a piano and the servicing it needed, I’ve been seeking opportunities to use it for ministry. And I […]
Where do you go for theological training in preparation for ministry in the Reformed theological tradition? If you’re in the United States, you can choose from […]
This is a class taught by Pastor Greg Ward on 3/17/24 discussing interpretive issues with Genesis 9, Noah’s Vineyard, Wine, Intoxication, Drunkenness, etc. in conjunction with […]
This is a class taught by Pastor Greg Ward on 3/10/24 discussing interpretive issues with Genesis 8-9, The Covenant With Noah, whether people were intended to […]
This is a class taught by Pastor Greg Ward on 3/4/24 discussing intperpretive issues in Genesis 7-8, the Flood narrative, History, and Science in conjunction with […]
This is a class taught by Pastor Greg Ward on 2/25/24 discussing Genesis in 5, Ancient Genealogies, Large Numbers in the Bible, and the difficulty in […]
This is a class taught by Pastor Greg Ward on 2/4/24 discussing various interpretive issues in Genesis 3 in conjunction with the sermon series on these […]