Yesterday was our second annual father-daughter banquet!  Rather than repeating the details identical to last year, I’ll plunge into how we built upon that foundation.

My discourse this year focused on the father’s Biblical responsibility to protect his daughter’s virginity until her wedding. I reminisced of how my dad guided me over the years regarding private body parts, clothing, secrets, playing with boys, and interactions with suitors.  Several men rose to urge one another to break out of the myths and preconceptions that make such conversations taboo in this culture.  To assist, I gave each father a picture book featuring a family discussion about these important matters.

Some participants suggested meeting more often than annually to encourage the fathers in building relationships with their daughters.  Though repeating the banquet every few months would stretch our resources thin, we could consider lesser events with the same purpose.  Pray that God will direct us in how best to strengthen these family ties.


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